There are no formal examinations for kindergarten. Reports are prepared based on daily/weekly/monthly observations and continuous class assessments.

There are two academic terms for reporting purpose. Term 1 and 2 respectively. Monthly academic progress review is given out to all students each month and Term Report card is given at the end of each term.

1. Monthly Progress Review – It is prepared based on the learning outcomes of each subject of that particular month. Monthly academic progress review is published at the end of each month.
2. Term End Report – Term report card is given at the end of each term.



There are no formal examinations for Grade 1 to 4. Reports are prepared based on continuous assessment done throughout the year. There are two types of reports given to students:

1. Monthly Progress Review – It is prepared based on the learning outcomes of each subject of that month. Monthly academic progress review is published at the end of each month.

2. Term End Report – There are two academic terms for reporting purpose. Term 1 and 2 respectively. Each term end report is prepared based on continuous assessments which include periodic unit tests, subject enrichment activities, class observations.

Term report card is published at the end of each term.

Internal Assessment – 50%
1. Subject Enrichment
2. Class Observation

Periodic Test – 50%
1.Periodic Test 1(PT 1)
2. Periodic Test 2(PT 2)

TOTAL 100%


There is a formal examination system from Grade 5 onwards. There are two types of reports given to students:

 1. Monthly Progress Review – It is prepared based on the learning outcomes of each subject of that month. Monthly academic progress review is published at the end of each month. Monthly progress review for the month of September would reflect with term 1 end report for this academic year.

2. Term End Report – There are 2 academic terms for reporting purpose. Term 1 and 2 respectively. Each term end report is prepared based on continuous assessments which include periodic unit tests, subject enrichment activities, class observations. Term report card is published at the end of each term.

 Internal Assessment (20%)

Periodic test, Class observations and, Subject enrichment (Activities/ Practical and Project work). Student must secure minimum 33% marks (7 Marks) out of 20 marks in each subject.

Term End Examination (80%)
Examination for 80 marks in each subject covering 100% syllabus of the subject. Student must secure minimum 33%marks (27 marks) out of 80 marks in each subject.

Internal Assessment – 20%
1. Subject enrichment
2. Class Observation
3. Periodic Test
Term End Examination – 80%
TOTAL 100%


There are two types of reports given to students:

Monthly progress review – It is prepared based on the learning outcomes of each subject of that month. Monthly academic progress review is published at the end of each month. It is prepared based on the learning outcomes of each subject of that month. Monthly academic progress review is published at the end of each month. The monthly progress review is prepared based on the performance of CONCEPT RECAP (DIGITAL ASSESSMENTS). Concept Recaps are conducted as diagnostic and formative assessment. The goal of Concept Recap is to monitor student learning and to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by teachers to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning. Concept Recap is an essential component of end of topic test.

  1. Term end report – There are 2 academic terms for examination purpose. Term 1 and 2 respectively. Term end report is prepared based on continuous assessments throughout the term which includes internal assessment and term examination. Term report card is published at the end of each term.

Term I &Term II

  • Internal Assessment: End of topic (Concept Recap) or unit tests/ exploratory activities/ practical/ projects. The internal assessment components and weightage varies for each subject. Student must secure minimum 33% marks in each subject.
  • Term-end Examination – Examination in each subject covering 100% syllabus of the subject. Student must secure minimum 33% marks in each subject. The Term end examination weightage varies from subject to subject. In a subject involving practical work, a candidate must obtain 33% marks in the theory and 33% marks in the practical separately in addition to 33% marks in aggregate, in order to qualify in that subject.

TOTAL 100% (Internal assessment +Term end examination)

Note – Assessment structure will be followed as per the latest guidelines of the CBSE.



Co-Scholastic areas cover Work / Experience, Health and Physical Education and General Studies. Co- scholastic activities will be assessed on a skill development assessment done by the concerned teacher framing effective tools for the same. Grading is done based on below-mentioned 8 pointers scale:


  • Additional subjects and Co-scholastic area covers ICT, Qatar History, Art Education, , Dance, Music, Art, Moral Science, Islamiyat, Art Education and, Physical & Health Education.
  • Co-scholastic activities will be assessed on a skill development assessment done by the concerned teacher framing effective tools for the same. Grading is done based on scale 1-5 points
Points Grade Rubrics
5 A Has in-depth knowledge of concepts taught, applies them in a comprehensive way of learning, and uses skills self-sufficiently
4 B Has detailed understanding of concepts taught, applies them in most learning situations and uses skills with partial support
3 C Has broad understanding of concepts taught, applies them in some learning situations and uses skills with support
2 D Has limited understanding of concepts taught, rarely applies them in different learning situations and constantly requires high level of support
1 E Has restricted understanding of concepts taught, hardly applies them in different learning situations and always requires high level of support
  • Grading will not have any descriptive indicators and students will not be upgraded based on the co-scholastic grades.


  • Students scoring D and above for Grade 1 to 4.
  • 40% and above for Grade 5 to 9 in aggregate will qualify for promotion to the next grade.
  • Attendance for periodic unit tests and, all main exams for all grades are compulsory. There will not be any retest.
  • Students found using unfair means during unit tests or term end examinations will be marked zero (o) in that subject and no retest will be held for such students. These students will not be eligible for any academic award or school appointments.


There is no homework policy for KG 1 to Grade 2

Grade 3 onwards teachers will upload all the homework details on portal